Notice is hereby given of the 52nd Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 28th November 2018 at Copford Cricket Club, starting at 7.30pm

Please find attached an Election form for positions on the Committee and for Team Captains. All forms should be completed and returned to me by 14th November (contact details are on the election form). We will not accept nominations on the night of the AGM unless there have been no nominations for the position. At this point we will ask the floor if anyone would like to nominate themselves, they will then require someone to second them.
Job descriptions for each role can be found on the Clubs main website.

If you require any item to be added to the AGM Agenda this item should be sent to the Club Secretary 14 days before the date of the meeting. The formal proposal must be signed by the proposer and seconded by one other club member.

The current Club Treasurer, Lisa Rose, is standing down from the committee at the AGM and therefore if anyone would like to take on this position, we would be very happy to hear from you.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mark Bullen (Chairman) via Team App.

Karen Lawson


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